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数据来源: 该页面支持的版本: 该页面支持的语言: 订阅地址: 社交媒体: 最后更新于: 2024-07-19T14:34:59.337+08:00   查看统计
23-12-12  What's the point of holding bonds/bond funds if there are still decades before I retire? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-12  Mom is interested in an annuity. trying to navigate advice. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-12  November CPI rose 3.1% over the last 12 months same as the expected 3.1% (www.reddit.com)
23-12-12  How are events already priced into the market before it actually happens? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Is it a good idea to transfer an old 401k to IRA account? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-12  What is the craziest investing strategy that you have ever heard of? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-12  Annual year-end explanation for large, unexpected drops in your fund (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  My uncle requested that "in lieu of flowers, save that same money and invest in index funds" (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Please suggest some options to "diversify" my very vanilla Vanguard portfolio (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  I have this annuity and want to get out of it. What can I do? (old.reddit.com)
23-12-12  What is the ideal asset allocation for a 20yo looking to retire as soon as possible? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-12  Anyone heard of this? Paragon Wealth Management Group? Hired them to handle family's estate. Received a totally bizarre recommended portfolio allocation (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  A lot of misconceptions about bonds in this sub (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Can an individual have multiple portfolios, or are all the stocks i own considered to be just 1 portfolio? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Best investing strategy to save for a house down payment in 5-7 years? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  What stocks pretty much have a monopoly or duopoly within a specific industry? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Cigna abandons pursuit of Humana, plans $10 billion share buyback (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Ken Griffin of Citadel explains how Ponzi stock market operates so efficiently with price fixing & manipulation. (old.reddit.com)
23-12-10  I have a 401k account with fidelity through my company. Can I open an investing account with the same account? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Want to beat the stock market? Just copy Congress! Politicians' trades perform twice as well as market average (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  How would you invest in anticipation of climate change? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-11  Answering the perennial holiday question: "Why did my fund unexpectedly drop in value?" (TL;DR Don't worry -- it didn't) (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  How might the blockade on Tesla affect the company's operations and reputation, considering its expansion plans in the Scandinavian region? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  Why automakers are turning to hybrids in the middle of the industry’s EV transition (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  Hermès heir plans to adopt 51-year-old gardener to pass on $11 billion fortune (fortune.com)
23-12-09  Apple's head of iphone and Apple watch design leaving the company $AAPL (old.reddit.com)
23-12-10  Why are 3 fund portfolios recommended here in every thread when Jack Bogle didn’t invest at all in international funds? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  65yo who's close to retirement is requesting a portfolio sanity check, please (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  Investing Monthly in This Portfolio, Need Advice (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  Warning! China's deflation is getting scary for U.S STOCKMARKET. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  US Retail Group retracts claim that half of inventory loss was due to theft (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  $CAVA – DECEMBER SHORT PLAY (Potential Crash and/or Death Spiral) (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  Weekend Discussion Thread for the Weekend of December 09, 2023 (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  TIL Baby Boomers hold $21 trillion worth of STOCKS. What will happen when they die? Will their survivors cash out and crash the market? (www.businessinsider.com)
23-12-09  How would you position yourself to grow in 2024 if you had to start over? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Is Consistently Profitable Trading possible? I'm thinking of leaving my job (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  Do governments ever buy Stocks? (Not the US) (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Fidelity 401k choices for self managed. Checked ones Fidelity picked. Which ones line up with Bogle Way? (old.reddit.com)
23-12-09  U.S. payrolls rose 199,000 in November, unemployment rate falls to 3.7% (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  Put my life savings in to Bitcoin. Quit job. Divorced. Sold house earlier this year. Dumped in to Bitcoin. YOLO (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  Bloomberg: You’re Better Off Going All In on Stocks Than Bonds, New Research Finds (www.bloomberg.com)
23-12-09  What does this mean for Bogling? (Paper on 100% stocks outperforming 60 - 40 for retirement) (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  What are the implications to pharma stocks of Biden's plans to seize drug patents from private companies? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  TQQQ 10 year return is 1,822%. 10 Year NASDAQ is 258%. I though holding levered funds long term was bad???? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Ben Felix: How to Invest New Cash: Dollar Cost Averaging vs. Lump Sum Investing (www.youtube.com)
23-12-08  The unemployment rate edged down to 3.7% below the expected 3.9% (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Does anybody know what happened or is happening to all those start up companies that make no money and were only surviving on vc money? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Magnificent Rotation - In the year to November 16th, the Magnificent 7 contributed around 84% of the S&P 500's growth (5x the rest) (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  A friend of mine has 110,000 EUR to invest. Theyre currently getting a measly 2.8% interest. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Does beating the market truly matter all the time? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Alphabet $GOOG(L) shares up 6% following announcement of new Gemini AI model (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  What’s the point of a traditional IRA if you can just a backdoor conversion to a Roth if you’re over the income limit? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  Finally got rid off all the individual stocks (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  I have an old employer 401k that I want to rollover to a vanguard IRA. Is VTSAX good for set it and forget it? Current value is about $71k (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Recommendations for Life Insurance- Late 30s Small Business Owner with young kids (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Best Stat to track to decide whether to buy or sell stock? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  McDonald’s to open first CosMc’s spinoff restaurant this week (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  eBay is Making Life Difficult for Frequent Buyers (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  AMD or Intel—which is better as a long term investment? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Which companies’ products do you use so much that you bought their stock? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  GameStop misses revenue estimates on faltering videogame demand (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  Mortgage refinance demand jumps 14% as rates fall to lowest point since August (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  For the first time since August, Apple's market capitalization soars over $3 trillion. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  Trading on Terror? Short-selling Israeli ETFs before Oct 7 attack (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  Daily General Discussion and Advice Thread - December 05, 2023 (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  Will the stock market go down or up next in the year 2024? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  Charlie Munger on the wealth management industry (old.reddit.com)
23-12-06  Argument against being fully 100% invested in the market (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  How significant is the tax advantage of ETFs over mutual funds? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  Off-topic, but curious if fellow Bogleheads put any of their savings/emergency funds in CDs to earn more interest. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  Anyone in or near retirement including gold ETFs in there portfolio for lower volatility? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  Moody’s cut China’s credit outlook to negative on rising debt risks (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  I reallt don't want to make the same mistakes at age 25 (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  Suggestions and guidance to invest beyond a 529 for little one (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  What are the most commonly asked questions in this sub? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  Are all of these 401K options bad? It’s through ADP and no employer match. (old.reddit.com)
23-12-05  How do you stop worrying about making the perfect portfolio? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  US gov to Nvidia: 'If you redesign a chip that enables China to do AI, I'm going to control it the very next day' (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  US speeds up return of oil to Strategic Petroleum Reserve -Energy Dept (www.reddit.com)
23-12-05  Anyone against a 100% stock portfolio if you’re early in your career? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-04  A buyout 4x above a stocks current price, has anyone been successfully filled in pre-market before the stock took off at the buyout price? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-04  Can someone explain the UK’s 5% Tax Deferred Allowance in relation to capital gains tax? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-04  Be honest. How much of y’all are just mad and Petty you missed the boat on NVDA? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-04  Saudi Arabia is struggling to boost oil prices, raising possibility of supply war with U.S. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-03  Those who have 90-100% stocks: how long have you been investing? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-03  Does the SP500 still have 23% upside to reach its inflation adjusted “top” that it reached in January 2021? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  Tax-loss selling, 'Santa rally' could sway U.S. stocks after November melt-up (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  What incentivizes 401(k) plan administrators to offer so few investment options? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-03  After 10 yrs of disappointing returns with a wealth manager, should I do it myself? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-03  Based on your anecdotal evidence how do you think the market is going to perform in 2024? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-03  Do you guys have accounts at multiple brokerages? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  Why is Raytheon (RTX) down 19% on the year when geopolitical tensions are the highest they’ve been in years? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  Should we believe Americans when they say the economy is bad? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  Gold hits all time high with Golden Cross nearing (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  Selling a small business. Would you pursue a cash buyout or guaranteed payments over time that add up to more than the buyout? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  I want to contribute to HSA but my employer doesn't offer HDHP (www.reddit.com)